Dead Perverts Society: A review of "Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy" by Costin Alamariu
"Happiness, then, is co-extensive with contemplation, and the more people contemplate, the happier they are." Aristotle, dork
Hey, if Shakespeare can be a woman and black Africans can be a "significant presence" in medieval England[1], why can't Socrates command the sigma males of right-wing Twitter to form a Bronze Age raiding party? That's the question Dr. Costin Alamariu( Bronze Age Pervert) seeks to answer in his new book "Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy," which has rocketed to #20 on Amazon's bestseller list. An impressive achievement for a 300 page exegesis of ancient Greek philosophy. Granted, many of the buyers were expecting a comedic self-help book like the authors last effort, Bronze Age Mindset, and are probably turning their purchase over like an orangutan fingering a rubiks cube.
…It does not need to be a literal raiding party, a spiritual raid will do. And, in Alamariu's view, Plato was such a philosophical pirate.
"[T]he point of this book has to do with an argument that awareness of nature — the prerequisite of philosophy and later of science — is identical with awareness of breeding or what we might crudely term 'eugenics.' The idea of nature first occurs to the greeks after human society ruled by tribal custom, they get this idea from breeding animals."
Thought previous to Classical Greece consisted purely of nomos( custom, tradition), the Greeks get knowledge of phusis( nature) from animal breeding. Animal husbandry leads to a concern for what is true of nature rather than "truth" being a concept constructed out of what is useful to the group. Thus, animal husbandry, the eugenic breeding of animals, leads to philosophy.
"[T]he thesis in a brief historical form, the default condition of a primitive tribe, if not all primitive tribes, might be called a 'fundamental democracy' characterized by the ubiquity of ancestral law, or nomos...the principle of nature acknowledges for the first time a reality that exists outside human law, tradition, and convention."
Living within nomos is the natural condition of humanity, but the natural condition of humanity sucks. It is gerontocratic, utilitarian, domesticated and boring. Nomos cannot lead to any kind of progress, it can only replicate previous conditions. Any improvement in the situation must come from outside of nomos and through an embrace of phusis and knowledge of nature.
Nomos can only be defeated by groups of men who are able to live outside of society - the Bronze Age raiding party, the pirate, the berserker, the männerbund who conquer nomos and establish an aristocracy. It is only through the conquest and domination of nomos society, a farming of the farmers, that higher values and lifestyles are able to take root.
Higher people too. Who succeeds and breeds is determined by the whole of a societies' practices. Nomos rewards fake, social values that can be indoctrinated into the young - learning to play by the rules of an arbitrary game. Nomos is dysgenic. Aristocracy rewards real, inherent virtues. What is contained within the genes, true of nature. Aristocracy is eugenic.
"The primary function of nomos is 'social control,' homogenization, taming, tribal survival, the continuation and preservation of mere life — through a regime of commands, speech and teaching that covers up and suppresses nature. Excellence, virtue, on the other hand, is a matter of nature, of blood, and it cannot be taught. Maybe the climax of Pindar’s thoughts on nature are revealed in this explicitly negative attitude to teaching, the taught, what we might call the 'try-hards.'"
Aristocracy vanquishes nomos… But aristocracies decline, they become decadent.
This step is “liberalization,” a loosening of the aristocratic regime—even if Nietzsche should call it political weakening, degeneration, or decadence. Political weakening is good for culture. The political good is not the same as the highest good. High culture flourishes at the moment of liberalization or, from the aristocratic point of view, of decadence. The “immense power” built up over generations by the aristocratic regime for the benefit of political life alone is now, at the moment of political decline, free to flow into different directions and toward different ends.
This, in Alamriu’s view, is Plato’s project: defending the aristocratic breeding program in a moment of decadence by grounding it in reason - this action is called philosophy. Philosophy is an attempt to restore the aristocratic regime on a foundation of faith rather than power.
When the original aristocracy can no longer rule through sheer phusis, the dull eyes of nomos must be tricked by a clever philosopher. The philosopher must wear "a mask of piety, temperance, [and] justice." The philosopher must rule the nomos and maintain the aristocratic breeding program.
"In Nietzsche appears the most direct, explicit and clearest exposition of my main argument in this thesis, namely that philosophy and tyranny are in some sense deeply connected, perhaps identical at their origins... The decline or decay of a type of aristocracy allows for the ‘distillation,’ the abstraction, or the ‘radicalization’ of the aristocratic ethos... This radicalization results in the tyrant and the philosopher as twin or complementary types."
Philosophy is a Bronze Age raiding party conducted by other means with the explicit goal of perfecting the aristocratic eugenics program - to create people of gold.
But the philosopher has a twin - the tyrant. The tyrant also rejects the values of nomos. He also flourishes in decadence. Rather than reason and deception, the tyrant seeks to double down on "severity, cruelty, [and] intolerance" in order to maintain aristocratic dominance. The tyrant represses nomos to enjoy the pleasure of rule.
Both the philosopher and the tyrant are “tropical” and “monstrous” types. They are products of “high culture” which can only flourish when the aristocratic regime is in decline. Their differences are of temperament and tactics.
"In this case Platonic morality, as interpreted by Christianity, corrupts, stunts, misbreeds, tames. Nietzsche could not be clearer on this point: It is decisive for the lot of a people and of humanity that culture should begin in the right place — not in the “soul” (as was the fateful superstition of the priests and half-priests): the right place is the body, the gesture, the diet, physiology; the rest follows from that. Therefore the Greeks remain the first cultural event in history: they knew, they did, what was needed; and Christianity, which despised the body, has been the greatest misfortune of humanity so far."
Christian philosophers have succeeded in dominating nomos - the banning of cousin marriage, establishment of non-tribal regimes based on “human rights.” But this has failed to maintain the aristocracy or its breeding program.
Thus philosophy fails and leaves us in decadence. The monstrous and the tropical may flourish. But gravity is a harsh mistress and, without the strong hand, degeneracy will take hold. Only two options are left - the tyrant or the reassertion of an aristocracy.
A Mr. Roger Morrison has written a critique of Alamariu's history/anthropology/ exegesis and it’s worth checking out.
I would add that Thales proof is a much more obvious beginning for Greek philosophy then animal husbandry. By offering the first math proof, as opposed to equations that just seem to work, Thales had proven that knowledge existed that was beyond doubt and universal. After all, if a sailor in the harbor of Athens claimed that rocks fall differently in his country, you might suspect he was full of shit but would have no framework for claiming he was wrong. Thales proof was evidence that the world may have a universal, mathematical order. The sign outside of Plato’s academy said “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here” not “Let no one ignorant of animal breeding enter here.”
Possessing Thales great idea would explain the explosion and superiority of Greek thought without resorting to convoluted and speculative anthropology about the values and breeding practices of Bronze Age pirates who came to dominate agricultural groups. Thales offered a scientific paradigm in which work could be done, intellectuals and writers enjoyed a period of coolness and high status.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Plato was an interesting guy but we're not bound to take his advice irregardless of what it was.
Ok, has philosophy failed( in our case - post-Christian, enlightenment liberalism)? Are “humane” liberal breeding practices dooming us to mediocrity? Do we need to turn to an aristocratic program to achieve “superiority” and “high culture?” Maybe we should turn to the tyrant and let things get weird.
"But parents or mothers in the modern liberal West are eliminating the existence of people with, for example, Down’s syndrome, by aborting a very great percentage in the womb. Freedom and modern science has allowed a far more “humane” method of eugenics, and also a far more thorough-going one, than could have ever been carried out by Nazi Germany—although not a more efficient or effective one...The only question is which way one prefers it to happen—moderns have chosen a decentralized form that, through the morality of liberalism and through the methods provided by the latest science, puts this power in the hands of parents or mothers. That is fine, it may be superior...Sexual choices of “free individuals” will still result in inequality, although not necessarily eugenic inequality."
In other words, all societies have a breeding program which is determined by their character and institutions. Liberal societies produce a breeding program that is individualistic and "humane," nazis produce a breeding program that is "efficient," "effective," and "eugenic."
Would you like to be a hippy dippy or participate in the advancement of the human race? Either is fine, he's not telling you what to do or anything.
Edgy stuff. And Alamariu would like you to know it. His ideas are on a “danger radar.” They are “dark[] and uncomfortable truths we have suppressed,” “may be shocking to some,” and raise questions that can’t be ignored just because they are “unpleasant” and “offend contemporary moral commitments.”
And that’s just the self-congratulation from the first few pages. We need to get Alamariu a “High Voltage” sign to wear around his neck Flava Flav style.
It’s true that term “eugenics” is taboo, but the general subject is not. The National Genome Research Institute is a government agency with a billion dollar budget. In 2015, President Obama launched the “Precision Medicine Initiative” a $215 million effort to gather data on American genomes for research. President Trump regularly cited “good genes” as the reason for his success. In 2021, President Biden elevated the office of Science Advisor to the cabinet and has appointed geneticists Eric Lander and Francis Collins to the post. Google Scholar returns 18,600 results for “genetic engineering” in 2023 alone.[2]
And it’s not just the government and academia. Preimplantation Genetic Testing, a crude form of genetic engineering designed to weed out embryos with chromosomal abnormalities prior to being implanted in the uterus, is a $700 million dollar industry and is expected to grow by 11% per year. 43% of Americans and 48% of those under 35 said they were willing to use the procedure. Calls have begun to add PGT to Medicaid.[3]
The Marvel movies are an extended meditation on super powers and how people might acquire them. Cyberpunk is obsessed with body modifications. Horror is now chiefly concerned with how these types of experiments might go wrong. Not talking about eugenics is a good way to stay poor.
Alamariu’s fussiness over the term “eugenics” is not caused by him being a literal nazi. He’s worried that Hitler’s “hysterical detractors” will obscure important information.
Define superiority in whatever way one will, and it will be clear that the individual or quality thus defined doesn’t have a random distribution across human groups. It occurs with greater frequency, often far greater frequency, in some groups than in others. One can’t fail soon to notice that such groups correspond roughly to historically concrete populations, whether nations, tribes, or races...Those who care about human excellence and its cultivation can’t therefore ignore the problem of human groups, because individuals don’t arise randomly out of vats, but are born and bred, come from long-established groups, with long-established marriage patterns and long-established physical, intellectual, and behavioral traits.
In other words, different races have different positives and negatives, and a selective, aristocratic breeding program is needed to accentuate the positives into “genius,” “virtue” or “high culture.” The nazis, at least, brought this idea up.
This argument fails both empirically and by Alamariu’s own standards. Nature, phusis does not care about the past - it adapts to its environment. In nature, species evolve into higher types, and spectacular individuals emerge, through the general improvement of the species. Nature will discard the archetypical characteristics of a group the second they become inconvenient.
Culture, nomos is obsessed with the past, continues the culture of its ruling class regardless of environment, and praises what is archetypal of the group.
The selective, aristocratic breeding program is pure nomos. Nothing could be more nomos. This can be seen in the case of the nazis. As the Secretary of the Eugenics Society, Carlos Blacker, explains in a 1935 letter to Julien Huxley:
The publication of the Nazi Sterilization Act has done the cause of sterilization in this country much harm. The construction given to the word 'eugenics' by Germans is not in accordance with ours and is regarded by many people, including myself, as ridiculous (I refer to the stress on the Nordic cult and the anti-Semitism); … the pagan religion which is finding favour, etc. etc., have made many people (again including myself) feel that the country is suffering from a sort of collective psychosis[4]
The nazis were not concerned with nature, they were concerned with what sounded cool to a DnD kid and what reinforced pre-existing prejudices.
Animal husbandry is a similar phenomenon. The animal’s traits are accentuated by the farmer because they are desirable to humans not nature. The Holstein dairy cow has comically large udders by the standards of the animal kingdom. And their purpose isn't to feed stronger calves, it is so their milk can be harvested. The thoroughbred race horse is extremely delicate because its powerful body has outgrown its skeleton. It’s common for them to break their legs and be euthanized.
These animals must be constantly cared for by the farmer, they wouldn't survive an hour in the wild. By evolutionary, phusis standards, selective breeding programs do not produce aristocracies, they produce freaks that would be instantly weeded out by mother nature if she was given half a chance. Thankfully, we're not bound by her judgments.
Ok, maybe Alamariu’s reasoning is strange - the business about nomos/phusis is woowoo or poetic or something. Could he be right anyway. Do selective, aristocratic breeding programs deliver results?
The average man in Classical Greece was 5’5, this improved to 5’7 under medieval Christianity, and the average Greek man is 5’10 today. Toothlessness was so common in Classical Greece that when Aristotle tried to count the number of teeth people have he got the number wrong. There’s no quantitative evidence of Greek physical superiority.[5]
Greece did have an explosion of high culture, but countless states were ruled by inbred aristocracies and did not produce a ‘golden age.’ Why is classical Greece differentiated by the thing they all have in common? Roman high culture is boring, dusty old historical documents, and has little of enduring value besides trippy mosaics.
Nazism was the most dysgenic event to have ever happened in human history. The main mission of the nazis appears to have been to kill all of the smart people. Jews, Freemasons, homosexuals…[6] Maybe these are soyboy, nomos types we shouldn’t care about. But what about the blonden bestie? 2 million German soldiers were killed during WW2. That includes 300,000 members of the Waffen SS selected for their Aryan, Bronze Age raider bloodlines. The vast majority of casualties come after 1941 when the German leadership decides, instead of locking in gains, to declare war on both the USSR and USA after suffering two major, strategic defeats at the hands of the British Empire.
There’s little in the numbers to suggest a rvturn to aristocracy is desperately needed.
And this is after a century in which commonly used measures of population health went up. In the United States, the average male height has risen 3 inches since 1900, average lifespan is up 10 years since 1950, and scores on the Wechsler IQ test have increased 17.3 points from 1953 to 2006. From 1810 to 1980, Average height increased in the Netherlands, France and Germany 5 inches from 5’5 to 5’10. The average lifespan for all Europeans has increased from 64 years in 1950 to 79 years in 2023. European IQs have increased over 20 points since 1909.[7]
Most of this is due to changes in the environment not genes - medicine, wealth, education, redistribution. But science has to control for the environment.
98% of Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine are won by people from liberal democracies. Liberal democracies make up 17 of the top 20 Olympic teams despite not caring about them. The West + Japan and South Korea’s culture industry is dominant across all major mediums.
Maybe none of this is “superior” or “high culture.” Maybe it’s all just “decadence” that’s soon to come crashing down. To find out, Alamariu would need to give these terms an actual definition. Instead what we get is a meandering, sometimes interesting, just-so-story. The evidence of the senses says that philosophy( of the liberal, enlightenment, post-Christian variety) is the most successful breeding program in world history.
But what about the tyrant? The tyrant can offer things a liberal society cannot - chaos and domination, and a breeding program rooted in evolutionary principles - natural selection, survival of those who survive.
The Liberal West has no philosophical competitors. This may not always be the case, but it's true right now. If you're turning to Vladimer Putin, the platonic form of an office worker who reads books about Napoleon, to restore manliness or stop the gays or whatever, then you were fucked from the start. China is the place where people study 60 hours a week for the privilege of working 80.
The only real choice one can make is to reject philosophy, the liberal society - to choose the tyrant, to embrace chaos and domination. To affirm the two things liberal society is against - the two things liberal society denies you. There is no more frontier. Following their telos, liberal societies have closed loop holes for slavery and the entrepreneurial conquest of natives. Even the chincy substitute of patriarchy is being taken away. As Alamariu explains:
Social liberals and feminists make the same mistake. They assume the problem is that men desire patriarchy and ownership over the wife and family, that men desire dominion over wife and children. They do not see these are, in part, methods some civilizations resorted to in order to induce men to accept the responsibilities of father and husband. Men deprived of patriarchy have no reason to accept duty or responsibility, nor the loss of freedom that goes with family life.
In fairness, it’s not hard to find women who feel the same way.
The liberal west claims that everyone is entitled to liberty, justice and security. And it is the peak of civilization, there are no other peaks - this isn't a mountain range. If you think liberal society is depriving you of your natural dominion over others, if you think its utilitarian and dull, if you think its a control strategy designed to keep your amusement level hovering just above an abyss of eldritch boredom, then you have only one choice - no one is entitled to liberty, justice and security.
While unusual in discussions of political theory, the rejection of philosophy, or at least fantasizing about it, is common place throughout culture. The highest rated TV series of all time, Breaking Bad, is a fantasy about rejecting liberal values and embracing criminality.[8] Hip hop, The Sopranos and countless others just start with the criminality. Since Gravity’s Rainbow, the post-apocalyptic genre has routinely wondered how awesome the collapse of civilization will be. I just re-installed GTA V.
We don’t imagine no countries, or no possessions, or sharing the world. We imagine doing whatever the fuck we want. No, the one where we get to bother other people.
What effect might this have on the breeding program? As Alamariu explains Nietzsche:
When, finally, the “fortunate moment” of political weakness comes, the previously-enforced homogeneity breaks down and the long-pent-up tension in the regime bursts free. The homogeneity is replaced by a “tropical” proliferation of “monstrous” types, most of them weakened or deficient, but a few luckily enhanced. The qualities or virtues, the inner states, that are the result of aristocratic breeding and education are now “liberated” to take their paths in new and unexpected directions, in directions no longer constrained by the necessity for political survival.
There is indeed a taste for the new as such, and a taste for transgression, a boredom with the law and with equality: much like, for example, in imperial Roman times, there seemed to be a constant joy in the mockery and transgression of the old aristocratic republican personae and mores. Among these new specimens may be “amazing” enigmatic types like Alcibiades or Caesar—tyrannical men—or otherwise artists like da Vinci.
All of this has a sense of possibility. If you manage to believe nothing, then anything is true and everything is possible.
And it gives the contempt for civilization a telos.
Humanity is no good and extreme measures must be taken to remedy the situation. A return to natural selection, survival of the fittest. This rationalizes the impulses towards chaos and domination. The joy felt at defiance of authority or acts of criminality, no matter how nihilistic, may have a justification. The tyrant has ideals beyond what Francis Fukuyama in the “End of History” calls “megalothymia” which he characterizes as the desire “to be recognized as superior to other people, possibly on the basis of true inner worth, but more likely out of an inflated and vain estimate of themselves.”
Ok, does domination and chaos create higher types? Does natural selection breed “tropical” and “monstrous” ubervolk? Should we sacrifice ourselves to the creation of a higher human who will rebuild a better civilization?
No, we know what chaos and domination look like in practice. Chimps are apes that have no institutions regulating behavior between individuals. Or, if they do, they are barely perceptible and don't function very well. Chimp groups are governed by an unstable equilibrium between gangs of males, they waste all of their time/resources/ cleverness on ceaseless infighting.
Chimps are repulsive, weak and ugly. People hate them when they learn about them. They have to occupy marginal forests because they are too puny and disorganized for the plains or the deep jungles. Far from a 'tropical proliferation of monstrous types,' every chimp is just as below average as every other chimp. Chimp brains have remained the same size since they split from humans 6 million years ago.[9] Chimps are the pandas of primates. A twig on the evolutionary tree that ends in a skeleton, they just happened to be in the process of doing this when people evolved into anthropologists.
Natural selection, far from turbo charging evolution, enforces a conformity as rigid as any culture. It is a task master as brutal as any factory boss. It has little regard for what is beautiful, intelligent or good. It uses these things as little as possible. Natural selection’s telos is the preservation of “mere life.”
The beautiful, the intelligent and the good arise through sexual selection - including female sexual selection. They are ornaments used to attract mates, i.e. they are real things. They are not another name for mere survival skills. It is through the process of sexual selection that beauty, intelligence and goodness become ends unto themselves.
As anthropologist Geoffrey Miller explains regarding human intelligence:
"I do not think that natural selection for survival can explain the human mind. Our minds are entertaining, intelligent, creative, and articulate far beyond the demands of surviving on the plains of Pleistocene Africa. To me, this points to the work of some intelligent force and some active designer. However, I think the active designers were our ancestors, using their powers of sexual choice to influence, unconsciously, what kind of offspring they produced. By intelligently choosing their sexual partners for their mental abilities, our ancestors became the intelligent force behind the human mind's evolution."[10]
In humans, the beautiful, the intelligent and the good require a nomos that supports sexual selection to thrive. And money. Chimps have neither of these. They have natural selection, they suck.
Philosophy( of the liberal, post-Christian, enlightenment variety) provides resources and creates a nomos favorable to sexual selection. It produces a rapid development of the species. “Aristocratic breeding programs” are unnatural and produce unimpressive results. The natural selection of tyrannies can only produce a slow development of the species.
But there are problems…
No question is more painful for young people today. No subject seems to inflict more emotional scars and batter more egos than one’s worth on the sexual market, the degree to which one is desirable to mates of one’s choosing, or what are one’s opportunities in life for romance or intercourse or committed relationships, if not for family…The most desirable males and females, who are in a minority, have lives full of sexual and romantic opportunities, adventures, the choice for excess, and numerous options should they decide to marry
This seems true. Although it’s unclear why the author of a book about eugenics would care. It kind of re-contextualizes everything. If the problem with sexual selection is that it too exclusive and eugenic, why couch everything in a loopy declinist narrative? It seems to contribute to a cultural obsession with eugenics which is part of the problem. ( Yes, I also just did this.) Ban superhero movies. I guess addressing the issue more directly would turn Alamariu into Jordan Peterson.
The Boomers had a marriage culture. Gen X and early-Millennials had less marriage but more casual sex. The culture of late-Millenials in the 2010s had neither marriage nor casual sex.[11] Everyone hates this. It is unclear whether this is a bizarre hiccup or a trend. If it is a trend, it is the responsibility of the social left, who have an out-sized influence over young people, to fix it. No, “become gay” is not fixing it.
Liberalism has its own authoritarian and totalitarian impulses. In the 19th century, De Toqueville pointed out the tendency for Americans to obey the prying eyes of their neighbors - to bow, not before a king, but before all of society. The 21st century has brought psychiatry and the endless examination of the self. The inquisitor within who requires not just obedience but purity of heart.
Therapy, the ubiquity of the trauma plot, the critical eye that always searches for the auteur’s true motives. It’s worth questioning the value of these things, or as Werner Herzog in his new memoir puts it:
I’d rather die than go to an analyst, because it’s my view that something fundamentally wrong happens there. If you harshly light every last corner of a house, the house will be uninhabitable. It’s like that with your soul; if you light it up, shadows and darkness and all, people will become “uninhabitable.”
Alamariu thinks you should go to the gym instead, he’s probably right. There needs to be places in a society that exist between righteousness and criminality, places where the dominant ideology is spat on if it tries to force its way in.
I like Costin Alamariu or, at least, his alter-ego Bronze Age Pervert and the companion book, Bronze Age Mindset. They’re punk. Selective Breeding feels like Johnny Rotten wrote a 300 page book to explain how the Canterbury Tales influenced Anarchy in the UK. I’m glad it exists and I think it’s unnecessary.
2. Obama precision medicine -
Biden elevates Science Advisor -
3.PIG testing market -
Add to Medicaid -
Public views -
5.Greek Stature -,153.1%20to%20160.4%20cm%2C%20respectively.
Aristotle -
7.Height America -
Height Europe -
Life America -,a%200.08%25%20increase%20from%202019.
Life Europe -,a%200%25%20increase%20from%202020.
America IQ -
Europe IQ -
10.Miller, G. (2001). The Mating Mind. Anchor.